Operating Position


The Operating Position shows the median and quartile boundaries as well as the individual peer data points of one or more key figures in the Peer Universe for a specific time period. These are compared to the corresponding key performance indicators of a company.


The Operating Position graphic shows the median as a solid line. Typically, the first and third quartile boundaries, i.e. the 25th and 75th percentile, are represented by a line or by the boundary of a shaded area, as shown in the graphic below. These values in the market are compared with the key figure values of the company to be evaluated. These company values are shown as orange dots in the Operating Position.

It should be noted that the vertical scale may be different for each key figure shown, and typically is, as the key figures usually differ in terms of typical level and distribution.

The Operating Position is calculated with current values or with the changes in values from one period to the next.


The Operating Position allows different key figures to be viewed simultaneously in their position and distribution, similar to the Operating Contribution and the Operating Radar, but here with the absolute values. This evaluation is used for example with ESG (environment social governance) factors.

The financial research company Obermatt AG (about) provides indexing performance analysis such as the Operating Position to clients. Request a quote for your company by contacting Obermatt AG (contact).

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